We have been asked by our tutor to create a blog which contains the brief information of every member of our team. We would like to start with introducing our team members then following by listing out the top five websites that we visited the most and the top five activities as well. Our team members are Tan Doo Inn, Tan Hwei Ting(Irene), and Yap Bee Huan. We are all UTAR students and live in Sg Long. Meanwhile we having the common hobbies which are like to "Yam Cha" & chit-chating, always looking for delicious food( ho-jiak) and also like to "lepak-lepak" when people are concentrating in the class *skip class*...hehe..
Besides there are 2 things that we hate the most....final examination and the assignment...because during this period we have to put a lot of effort and spend a lot efford on it....
Secondly, we would like to list out the top five websites that we visited the most which are Google, Youtube, Facebook, Kennysia, and the Hotmail website as well. While the purpose we always log on to these websites is to keep our information updating and to know more friends through the world wide web.
The End...we will post the next blog as soon as possible..
Tan Doo Inn

Yap Bee Huan
Tan Hwei Ting
